Information from Europe  

About 500 Europe Direct information centres form a Europe-wide network.
Austria has twelve such information centres.

Objectives of the Europe Direct information centres

The information centres serve to intensify the dialogue with the citizens.
They provide basic information and orientation in all questions pertaining to the EU:

- Information about Europe and the European Union
- Free-of-charge information brochures and other publications 
- Events and lectures on current EU topics
- Participation in local events and fairs, offering an EU info table and EU wheel of fortune
- Basic information on EU funding programmes

Click here for the website of the Europe Direct information centres: link
Visit the official website of the European Union: link

The EU in the Municipalities

“We bring Europe to the communities!”

That’s the motto of the successful initiative EUROPASCHIRM (European umbrella), which has toured through Austria since 2008.

More than 600,000 interested citizens have so far sought information at over 800 EUROPASCHIRM events. Europe Direct Lower Austria is an active cooperation partner.

“Europe starts at the local level!”

Mayors and local representatives are often the first go-to persons for people to voice their concerns and wishes regarding Europe.

For this reason, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs is looking for members of the municipal councils to join the initiative “European local councillors”.
Similar to their colleagues who work as local councillors in charge of environmental or youth issues, they serve as go-to persons and interfaces for all questions regarding the EU in their local communities.

The European local councillors can be found easily and fast on the interactive map.


The EU at School

EU Integration Ambassadors:
Integration Ambassadors can be requested by schools, organisations and associations.

They tell the stories of their own integration processes, helping the audience overcome prejudices and strengthening the awareness for a common Europe.

These visits are organised by the Austrian Integration Fund and are free of charge. Visit the website: link

Europe at Your School:

Austrian employees at the European institutions return to their old schools to share their professional experience with the students.
Contact: Sonja Ziegelwagner, e-mail:

Travelling Exhibition EUROPA #wasistjetzt (#whatnow):
The travelling exhibition EUROPA #wasistjetzt was developed in cooperation with numerous stakeholders, including the Austrian Society for European Politics (ÖGfE), the Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs and the Representation of the European Commission in Austria. EUROPA #wasistjetzt provides an insightful and up-to-date overview of the EU and Austria’s membership.

Visit the website of the travelling exhibition: link

Here you can find teaching material on a large variety of topics involving the EU for students of all gradesTeacher’s Corner

EU Bookshop: find publications by the bodies of the European Union in 50 different languages. EU Bookshop

EU Funding Programmes:
Click here for the EU funding database: link

Please contact us

Office of the State Government of Lower Austria
International & European Affairs
Landhausplatz 1, Haus 3 3109 St. Pölten Email:
Tel.: 02742/9005 - 13489
Fax: 02742/9005 - 13610
Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 24.2.2025
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