Lower Austrians Abroad (LAA)

“blue and yellow across the world”, eljub, history of the LAA office – find out more about LAA


“Close ties with the Province of Lower Austria regardless of citizenship” is the motto of the LAA office.

The LAA office helps Lower Austrians living abroad to keep in touch with the Province of Lower Austria.

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"blue and yellow across the world” Network

Lower Austrians are successful around the globe and form international networks.

People living abroad have often retained a strong bond with their place of origin. The platform “blue and yellow across the world” sustains and strengthens this bond.

To find out more, visit the website “blue and yellow across the world” (German): Link

LAA Meetings

Successful Lower Austrians living abroad meet up at LAA meetings, which are held once a year.

They are joined by experts from the Province of Lower Austria, with whom they develop projects in the following fields:

- economy and technology
- art, culture and research
- education and youth

The LAA meetings take place in Lower Austria. Participants have to have a close connection with the Province of Lower Austria.

Click here for an overview of past LAA meetings.
Please note: no LAA meeting took place in 2016.


At the European Literature Youth Meetings (eljub) young people aged 15 to 25 come together.

They spend a week together in Lower Austria and Vienna, during which they are assigned into international teams to work on contributions on a topic of their choice for a joint e-book.

Click here for an overview of past eljub meetings.
Visit the website of the eljub project: Link

History of the LAA Office

1981: Initiative by LAA Traude Walek-Doby
1981: Start of the “Children of Austrians Abroad visit the Waldviertel region” programme
1990: Establishment of an office to handle tasks associated with Austrians Abroad within the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria
1992: Establishment of the Austrians Abroad Office
2005: Austrians Abroad affairs assigned to the directorate of the Lower Austrian Provincial Government Office

Today: The LAA Office connects 400,000 people with a Lower Austrian background.

Find out more about the "History of the LAA Office"(article in "Perspektiven", issue 01/2015, pdf, German). 


weiterführende Links

Please contact us

Office of the State Government of Lower Austria
International & European Affairs
Landhausplatz 1, Haus 3 3109 St. Pölten E-Mail: post.aoe@noel.gv.at
Tel: 02742/9005-13488
Fax: 02742/9005-13610
Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 24.2.2025
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