Lower Austrian Liaison Office to the EU in Brussels (NÖVBB)

The NÖVBB represents Lower Austria in Europe. It connects the Province of Lower Austria to the European institutions.

Main Task of the NÖVBB

Promoting and representing Lower Austrian interests in the decision-making processes of the EU.

The NÖVBB promotes the interests of Lower Austria in Brussels – independently or in collaboration with the largest possible number of allied regions and partners.

EU Project Partner Search

A frequent requirement for EU funding is for several EU member states to cooperate in the project.

The NÖVBB offers support in many questions regarding the EU and helps connect project partners from the EU member states.

Information Management

The NÖVBB’s information management team handles two central tasks:

  • Delivering relevant information to the Office of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria in a fast and accessible manner
  • Delivering relevant information to citizens in a fast and accessible manner 

    EU information is largely available in foreign languages and in quantities that can hardly be processed. The NÖVBB provides this information fast and in German.

Representation and Visitor Groups

The NÖVBB strives to convey the scope and purpose of the EU to the public in Lower Austria.
Its central tasks are thus the following:

  • Representing the Province of Lower Austria at events in Brussels
  • Organising events with a connection to Lower Austria
  • Receiving visitor groups from Lower Austria
  • Organising specialised EU programmes including visits and talks
  • Organising talks and lectures in Lower Austria

Follow the link for more information: Verbindungsbüro des Landes Niederösterreich in Brüssel (europa-in-niederoesterreich.at)

Internships at the NÖVBB

“Scouts – internships at Brussels-based institutions”

The “Scouts” project brings young Lower Austrians closer to Europe and the EU.
In cooperation with the Lower Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences, it offers opportunities to complete internships at the NÖVBB and gather valuable experience abroad.

The NÖVBB is happy to provide a guide on finding a room in Brussels at your request.

Follow the link for more information: Praktikum für das Land Niederösterreich in Brüssel (europa-in-niederoesterreich.at) 

Please contact us

Office of the State Government of Lower Austria
Lower Austrian Liaison Office to the EU in Brussels
Rue Montoyer 40 1000 Bruxelles, Belgien E-Mail: post.noevbb@noel.gv.at
Tel: 0032 2 549 06 60 (Belgium)
Fax: 0032 2 502 60 09 (Belgium)    
Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 24.2.2025
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