eljub Meetings 2007 - 2017

European Literature Youth Meetings – please find an overview of past eljub meetings below

2017 eljub Meeting

The eljub E-Book week will take place 1 to 8 July 2017 in Krems an der Donau.
Please find below your registration form, programme and invitation.

We are looking forward to meeting you!

Registration form (pdf, German/English)
Programme (pdf, German/English)
Invitation (pdf, German/English)

2016 eljub Meeting

In July 2016, young people from all over Europe convened in Krems an der Donau. They proudly presented the e-book “zusammen leben” (living together), which was created in the course of a week’s work. Click this link for a copy: Website eljub

In workshops and round tables the young people discussed potential future ways of collaboration across Europe. New friendships were forged across linguistic and political lines.  

The aim of the European Literature Youth Meetings is to safeguard the future of Europe by ensuring cooperation among young people.
The meetings bring together young women and men from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Slovenia and Lower Austria. It is particularly noteworthy that also young people from families of Lower Austrians Abroad – in 2016 from France and Hungary – join these meetings.

The initiative is supported by the Office for Youth Affairs of Lower Austria in a close cooperation with the organisation “pilgern & surfen melk”, the Working Community of the Danube Regions, the EU programme “Erasmus+” and the Lower Austrians Abroad Office. The successful project will be continued in the course of the “European Literature Days” in the Wachau region in November 2017.

Provincial Government member in charge of youth affairs Karl Wilfing on the 2016 eljub meeting: 
“Young people are our future citizens, who will actively contribute to the European project. Hearing their opinion and letting them participate is more important today than ever.”

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2015 eljub Meeting

International literary encounters were the central topic of the 2015 eljub meeting.
Over 60 young participants joined the writing process for the e-book “Ich und die Politik” (Politics and I).
In workshops and round tables the young people discussed potential future ways of collaboration across Europe, in the course of which friendships were forged across linguistic and political lines.

The e-book “Ich und die Politik” (Politics and I) is available for free download at the following link: http://www.eljub.eu/
Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2014 eljub Meeting

“We will be friends for as long as the Danube flows through our countries!” – the participants’ slogan also informed the programme.

Over 50 young men and women from eleven countries spent the first week of their summer holidays in Tulln to take part in the European Literature Youth Meetings. At the end of this week, the young people proudly presented their jointly created e-book “Wo sind wir denn zuhause” (So where do we live) to the guests of honour.
In workshops and round tables the young people discussed potential future ways of collaboration across Europe, in the course of which friendships were forged across linguistic and political lines.
The e-book is available for free download at the following link: http://www.eljub.eu/.

The aim of the European Literature Youth Meetings is to safeguard the future of Europe by ensuring cooperation among young people. The initiative is supported by the Office for Youth Affairs of Lower Austria in a close cooperation with the organisation “pilgern & surfen melk”, the Working Community of the Danube Regions, the EU programme “Youth in Action” and the Lower Austrians Abroad Office.

Provincial Government member Karl Wilfing on the 2014 eljub meeting:
“Young people are our future citizens, who will have to actively contribute to the European peace project. Hearing their opinion is more important today than ever.”  

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2013 eljub Meeting

Young people from all over Europe gathered for a week-long meeting in Tulln that was dedicated to the slogan “New ways of reading – learning – writing” – young networking in Europe.

On top of work sessions, an interesting social programme had been prepared for the 75 participants, including, among other activities, a river cruise on the Danube and visits to cultural institutions around Tulln.
A stay at the Zauberberg resort on the Semmering complemented the week’s programme: the young people proved their athleticism playing beach soccer, biking, riding scooters and hiking.

A highlight of the week was the “Cooking across borders” event, during which the young people cooked various regional specialities from all over Europe together in the kitchen of the Tulln youth hostel, which they then served to the participants and guests of honour.

The intercultural exchange seeks to bring out what unites us and to foster solidarity and creativity.
Literary critic Beat Mazenauer and journalist Veronika Trubel supported the young people in producing the e-book “Junge Vernetzung in Europa” (Young networking in Europe), which was presented in a festive ceremony. 

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2012 eljub Meeting

“EU Strategy for the Danube Region – opportunities for young people across Europe” was the slogan of the week-long meeting, for which 80 young women and men from all over Europe travelled to Tulln.

On top of work sessions, an interesting social programme had been prepared for the 80 participants, including, among other activities, a river cruise on the Danube and visits to cultural institutions around Tulln. A stay at the Zauberberg resort on the Semmering complemented the week’s programme: the young people proved their athleticism playing beach soccer, biking, riding scooters and hiking.

A highlight of the week was the “Cooking across borders” event, during which the young people cooked various regional specialties from all over Europe together, which they then served to the guests of honour.

A conference day under the motto of “EU Strategy for the Danube Region – opportunities for young people across Europe” was held on Wednesday, 4 July 2012. The youth ambassadors and experts formed a round table to discuss topics such as cross-border collaborations within the Danube region, cultural aspects, tourism along the Danube and flood-protection and traffic projects.

Provincial Government member in charge of youth affairs Karl Wilfing on the 2012 eljub meeting: 

“These young women and men are the future pillars of our society. A willingness to cooperate and show tolerance and respect for the identities of all people regardless of their nationality are crucial for the young people’s further development. The Youth Meetings contribute to developing exactly these values.”

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2011 eljub Meeting

Under the slogan “young, motivated, voluntary...” a meeting was held in Tulln from 2 to 9 July 2011, at which 60 young people from nine countries, including the young orphan Iman El Sayegh from Lebanon and Konstantin Urban from India, participated.

In workshops and round tables the young people discussed potential future ways of collaboration across Europe. They also forged friendships across linguistic and political lines, which will have a lasting influence on them.

On top of work sessions, the Office of Youth Affairs of Lower Austria and the Lower Austrian Landjugend (country youth organisation) had prepared an interesting social programme for the participants, including, among other activities, a river cruise on the Danube and visits to cultural institutions around Tulln as well as beach soccer at the Zauberberg resort.

A highlight of the week was the “Cooking across borders” event, during which the young people cooked various regional specialities from all over Europe together in the kitchen of the Tulln youth hostel, which they then served to participants and the guests of honour.

“These young women and men are the future pillars of our society. A willingness to cooperate and show tolerance and respect for the identities of all people in a large Europe will be crucial for the young people’s further development. The Youth Meetings contribute to developing exactly these values”, Karl Wilfing, Provincial Government member in charge of youth affairs, commented.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

2010 eljub Meeting

Sixty-one young people from seven countries travelled to Tulln for the 2010 European Youth Meeting.

The summer event offered workshops and round tables on topics such as an “intercultural Europe”, where both problems and shared ground between the generations and peoples on the continent were discussed.

Despite occasional misunderstandings due to linguistic and cultural barriers, the guests from abroad easily found common ground in their debates and soon also became friends.

The official agenda was complemented by a social programme: a trip to Schallaburg Castle, two days in the Alps and a Danube river cruise left the participants enthralled by the varied leisure offers of Lower Austria. 

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

eljub Treffen 2009

Also in 2009, about 80 young people from many countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Luxembourg, Colombia and Lower Austria) joined a meeting on the topic of Intercultural Europe – “GET TOGETHER”.

In the course of an eventful camping week in Tulln, the participants forged new friendships, visited sights in Lower Austria, overcame prejudices and got to know new cultures.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to access the programme, the final presentation and the photo gallery

2008 eljub Treffen

About 80 young people from many countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Croatia, India and the USA) spent an eventful week camping in Krems.

They took trips to the Semmering and visited sights in Vienna and the Wachau region. After a week, the young men and women went home with a wealth of new impressions and newly forged international friendships.

Visit our website “blue and yellow across the world” to view a photo gallery.  

eljub Treffen 2007

Over 80 young people from ten countries in Europe came together for a meeting in Lower Austria.

For the first time, young people from the new EU member states Bulgaria and Romania as well as Luxembourg and Estonia participated in the European youth camps. The participants discussed the topic of equal opportunities in workshops and talks.

“Lower Austria has become a centre for young people to come together”, Johanna Mikl-Leitner, a member of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria, commented.

When saying good-bye, all participants agreed, “We will be back!” 

Please contact us

Office of the State Government of Lower Austria
International & European Affairs
Landhausplatz 1, Haus 3 3109 St. Pölten E-Mail: post.lad4@noel.gv.at   
Tel: 02742/9005-13489
Fax: 02742/9005-13610
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