Call for Proposals for Lower Austrian Science Awards


Wissenschaftspreis 2018

The state of Lower Austria presents following annual Awards for outstanding scientific accomplishments:

  • Two awards for achievement to the amount of € 13.000, -- each
  • Four awards of recognition to the amount of € 6.000, -- each

All categories of scientific works can be submitted – the work or project must have been conducted or performed by a Lower-Austrian or have taken place in Lower Austria.

The science awards will be granted by the Office of the State Government of Lower Austria as recommended by a board of experts. 

Achievement Award

This award honours the entire works of a scientist with nationwide acclaim.

Award of Recognition

This award supports scientists whose work has already received some professional acclaim.  

Both awards may be granted to a scientific team or group.

Submission Period: 26th February–7th April 2025

Please note that there is an award for academic theses (bachelor's thesis, master's/diploma thesis, dissertation/PhD). The award is bestowed annually by the „Gesellschaft für Forschungsförderung Niederösterreich“.

Please follow this link Wissenschaft Zukunft Preis for more information.

General Requirements for Applicants

An individual applicant or natural person must reside in Lower Austria.

A legal entity or juridical person must either be based in Lower Austria or the scientific work must have taken place there.

An award can only otherwise be given, when the work of the individual scientist or scientific group strengthens the scientific position of Lower Austria or is of significant interest to Lower Austria.

All applications and relevant documents will be considered and evaluated during the judging process by the boards of experts.

Submission Dates: 26th February–7th April 2025

The online application can be legally authorized by using either a mobile signature or digital signature via a smart card.  

If you do not have an ID-Austria, you can still submit electronically. You will then be asked to upload a copy of your ID. Print and sign the confirmation of submission form. Please send the signed form to It is not necessary to send documents which have already been submitted electronically.

Please enclose a cover letter  explaining the connection to Lower-Austria.

For questions and enquiries regarding applications, please contact:

Application Papers

  • A summary of the aims, activities and results of the submitted work (up to 1.600 characters)
  • The submitted work
  • Curriculum Vitae - the applicant´s scientific career should be evident and include publications and
         awards. Requirement for self-submission and optional for submitting a proposal.
  • Additional information that offers more insight into the scientific work may also be submitted
  • A short statement regarding the relevance to or for Lower Austria (up to 500 characters).

The Award Ceremony
The science awards will be granted in autumn.

A written application is not an essential requirement for being bestowed an award. The boards of experts are permitted to recommend scientists or groups of scientists as recipients of an award.

The candidate must be author of the submitted work and owner of the copyright under the valid copyright law in Austria (§ 10/1, BGBI. Nr. 111/1936). The submission of an application automatically constitutes consent for the Lower Austrian authorities to display an award-winning work at the award ceremony or other appropriate events.

Furthermore, submission of an application automatically permits:

  • The name of the award winner, the award-winning work and the amount of the prize-money to be
    published in the annual “Science Report” and “Cultural Report” and to appear on the homepage and other appropriate media belonging to the Lower Austrian government.
  • Automated data processing
  • The data of the award-winning person(s) to be recorded in the transparency reports and database

The data of the award-winning person(s) can be used for reporting purposes as well as to promote the scientific landscape and communities in Lower Austria in diverse media as permitted by the current Data-Protection-Law. For further information see: Data Protection

Owner and publisher: Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, Department of Science and Research

Data Protection:

All Information in German / Alle Informationen auf Deutsch

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Abteilung Wissenschaft und Forschung
Landhausplatz 1, Haus 2

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Tel: 02742/9005-13043

Letzte Änderung dieser Seite: 26.2.2025
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